Diablo 2 median xl sigma melee necro
Diablo 2 median xl sigma melee necro

The priests of Rathma strive to uphold the balance between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, for if the balance swings too much, the fate of the mortal plane itself would be in jeopardy. Both sides signed a blood pact to keep humanity out of the war and allow them to develop, grow and perhaps make their own choice between good and evil.īefore his final voyage to the Plane of the Dead, Mendeln recorded the events in what would become the necromancer's holy book, the foundation of the cult of Rathma. Only the vote of the archangel Tyrael prevented the avenging angels of Heaven from immediately destroying the traitor Inarius' impure creations. The two had to watch as first the Hells and then the angelic legions discovered Sanctuary. Trag’Oul and his pupil, the nephalem Rathma, were powerful beings, but not powerful enough. But if either the High Heavens or the Burning Hells found out about the mortal plane, the Eternal War would descend upon it and tear it to pieces.

diablo 2 median xl sigma melee necro

A fallen angel and wayward demon, tired of the never-ending war, had created their own kingdom to rule and humanity to serve them. Trag’Oul explained that Sanctuary was not meant to be. Sensitised by the presence of the nephalem warrior-mage Uldyssian, he heard the calling of an ancient being from the dawn of Creation - the dragon Trag’Oul, ruler of the Plane of the Dead. Historically, the first mortal necromancer was the edyrem Mendeln.

diablo 2 median xl sigma melee necro diablo 2 median xl sigma melee necro

They may in fact be the only ones who know what is truly at stake. Contrary to popular opinion among the unwashed mashes, necromancers are not power-hungry maniacs.

Diablo 2 median xl sigma melee necro